Legal Notice in Accordance with the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions(特定商取引法に基づく表示)

Last Updated: May 22, 2024


Yuya Shirouzu


Will be disclosed without delay upon request.

Phone Number

Will be disclosed without delay upon request.

Email Address

Responsible Person for Operation

Yuya Shirouzu

Exchanges and Returns (Refund Policy)

We accept full refunds within 7 days of the payment date.

Delivery Time of Service

The service will be available immediately through the internet upon completion of the payment process.

Accepted Payment Methods

Credit Card

Sales Price

Listed on each product page.

Other Necessary Charges Besides Product Price

Charges related to internet usage (e.g., internet communication fees) may apply.

Payment Timing

Payment is confirmed at the time of order. If the customer selects a subscription plan, payment will be made at the interval chosen by the customer (monthly or annually).

Operating Environment

Latest versions of Chrome/Safari/FireFox/Edge/iOS Safari/Android Chrome

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please contact us at the email address above.